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Friday, June 19, 2015

Amazing PC / Internet Tricks

You can search Google timer in Google for a timer with alarm


Secret whatsapp tricks

Whatsapp is the most famous mobile messaging platform till date. But do you know some of the secrets tricks of whatsapp which can take you to the next level. Here in this article, i am highlighting most famous tricks of whatsapp.

Use whatsapp without any phone Number

Do you know you can use whatsapp without any phone number. Yes you heard it right. Follow the steps:
  1. Uninstall whatsapp from your mobile.
  2. Download whatsapp from play store.
  3. Turn the flight mode on.
  4. Download and install spoof messages app from play store
  5. Start the installation process.
  6. Now , It will not be able to verify you via internet and it will prompt you to choose alternate SMS Method.
  7. Now choose check through sms and enter your email.
  8. Instantly without waiting for any more time click on cancel and authorization process will stop.
  9. Now open the spoof messaging app and enter below details.
To: +447900347295
From: +(Country code)(mobile number)
Message: Your email address
It will now verify whatsapp for you and you will start using whatsapp.
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