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Friday, January 28, 2011

15 Useful Gmail Sidebar Gadgets You Won’t Find in Labs

Using Gmail Labs you have a possibility to add gadgets to standard mailbox. Gmail gadgets will enable different usability features that may help you sort/filter/search email and do a bunch of other stuff.
But gadgets on the labs page are just a beginning – if you want to experience more functionality and reach for other possibilities developers can offer, you need to search for gadgets on web yourself. Did I said search? Just read this article!
First you need to enable “Add any gadget by URL” functionality on Gmail Labs. To do so you need to go to Settings > Labs and switch to Enable button next to “Add any gadget by URL” gadget. After that you will be able to add gadgets by submitting the URL in the Settings > Gadgets page.

twitter-gmail-gadget1) Twitter Gmail Gadget

There are several Twitter gadgets you can use but I found that this one works best for me. You can post instant tweets straight form the Gmail and browse your friend tweets. I would say that this gadget turns Gmail into pretty decent Twitter client.
Gadget URL:

2) gBook Facebook Gadget

gbook-gmail-gadget gBook offers all the basic functions to never loose contact with your Facebook friends. You can update your status, see email and notifications straight form your mailbox. Feel free to search for other Facebook gadgets as I found this my favorite but there are few more.
Gadget URL:

3) FriendFeed

gadget-friendfeed Keep track on your friend activities on the web using FriendFeed gadget. Everything is simple, nothing fancy – just the way you like it. On the other hand it would be great to see better Gmail implementation as in general it is a iGoogle gadget.
Gadget URL:

4) Zoho Gadgets

zoho-gmail-gadgetZoho have built several gadgets for different tasks. You can find Zoho Docs gadget for creating, editing, sharing, viewing all your documents. Then there is mail, calendar, tasks, planer and notes gadgets. You can find more information on Zoho gadgets page or just try them out.
Gadget URL:

5) Remember The Milk

remember-the-milk-gadget Yes you can use Zoho tasks what I described before, but trust me – for this function better use this one. It truly is “The best way to manage your tasks”. With the gadget you can review your existing tasks, create new ones, overdue and postpone them. Check out all the other features in Gadgets page.
Gadget URL:

6) Digg

With this gadget you can quickly browse all the popular stories on Digg. You always will be well informed on latest events and friend activities.
Gadget URL:

7) MySpace

Pretty similar gadget to the Facebook and will let you stay connected with your friend over at MySpace.
Gadget URL:

8) Delicious

Simple gadget to display Delicious hotlist on your Gmail sidebar. Easily to browse bookmarks of different users.
Gadget URL:

9) World Clock

gadget designed especially for Gmail and offers possibility to add current time of different places of the world.
Gadget URL:

10) URL Shortener

Small but useful gadget that will convert your URLs into short ones using service.
Gadget URL:

gmail-calculator 11) Calculator

Very nice looking calculator for your Gmail if you quickly need to count some numbers or do more advanced calculations.
Gadget URL:

12) Google Map Search

Great gadget to find your desired location fast. With combination of Google maps it works really well.
Gadget URL:

widget_toodledo 13) Toodledo To-Do

Very powerful and feature rich gadget for organizing to-do lists.
Gadget URL:

14) Ask A Word

Search Thesaurus, Dictionary and Encyclopedia without leaving Gmail. You can also use built in spellchecker to leave all misspelling mistakes in past.
Gadget URL:

15) Chuck Norris Fact Generator

This gadget is must have as it will give you something to smile about while working.
Gadget URL:
I hope you find these gadgets useful and don’t hesitate to share your findings in comments below.


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