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Friday, September 10, 2010

Razorblade Mirror


  A nice piece of design from Suck UK, the Razorblade Mirror is based on the shape of a typical razorblade. Designed by Phil Sims and ideal for a novelty shaving mirror or just an interesting decoration for your living room wall, it's even got the name of the most famous razorblade-user of all on the front - Sweeney Todd. Razor Blade Mirror is selling for £74.99. The price is pretty high for a mirror. So, make sure you are not buying this mirror only for just a “mirror”!

Narcisse Mirror


French design brand Domestic has launched a collection of mirrors by various designers including Matali Crasset, 5.5 Designers and Ich&Ka. According to their website, Narcisse is a collection of artists' mirrors, in which other than the qualities linked to its reflective functions, the key aspect of the mirror resides generally in the quality, design and workmanship of its frame.

Ironing Board Mirror

  An interesting concept by designer Aïssa Logerot, this innovative mirror can be used as ironing board when it's tilted and secured on horizontal position. According to the designer, "this object is a link between two consecutive actions: iron clothes and dress up."







How Tall Are You Mirror



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