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Monday, May 30, 2011

45+ Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers

Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is a cross-platform runtime environment used to build rich internet applications using Adobe Flash, Flex, HTML and Ajax, helping web developers and designers to perform their task with ease and much efficiently. This is one of the most appreciated application platform which become a very popular platform for internet-enabled desktop applications in recent years. With the increase in its popularity, the number of utilities and tools are also increased significantly.
45+ Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers
If you are designer or developer then you must check these handy and convenient tools based on Adobe AIR platform which will offer ease and flexibility in your daily routine.
Flickroom is designed to provide you the luxurious Flickr browsing experience. You can share Photos via Twitter or share them on Facebook, browse Streams, Sets and Groups and enjoy many other features.
2. Klok
Every web designer and developer needs to manage their time. Klok is a neat and nifty time tracking tool for managing your time which comes with pre-defined templates. You can use it from your desktop if you have Adobe Air 1.5 or higher.
Facedesk is a stand-alone Adobe AIR application to do all surfing related to Facebook. You don’t need to open Facebook is another web browser this application will be your browser for surfing Facebook.
zFlick is a free Adobe Air application which can be used to view and saving photos from Flickr. It also offers search feature for Flickr.
WebKut is a simplistic application to capture web pages or part of it. It provides 3 ways to capture, entire page, current view or a selection.
Shrink O’Matic is an Adobe AIR application to easily resize batch of images. It supports JPG, GIF and PNG formats of image. Simply drag and drop images and choose the output sizes, names and formats from options and they will be re-sized.
Using Adobe Kuler you can browse the color themes and import directly into Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop. You need to login to your account first.

Moderator is a wordpress plugin and desktop application that allows you to view and moderate comments of your website directly from your desktop. You can accept or delete comments or mark them as spam.
Xe-IMG Image Editor is a free and simple application which requires Adobe AIR to run. You can import photos in different extensions and Filter Sharpen, Enhance, Zoom Photo, Mask Image etc.

Using BetaDesigns Caliper you can measure anything on your monitor. The Caliper floats above all other application on the screen and can be used to measure anything on monitor screen. This is a very handy tool for Web Designers for Layout Measurements and for Graphic Designers for Illustration Measurements.

Designview is a very useful tool for those, developing Flex applications to create a quick layout before fine tuning to MXML. It provides basic functionality of Flex Builder Design View.

SWFShot is an Adobe AIR based application which allows you to take large high resolution snapshots of your JPG, PNG and SWF content saved in your hard disk.
Livebrush is a motion-based tool designed for drawing purpose. It contains over 100 styles and decorations, you can export lines you draw as vector files which can be used in other graphics applications.
Remember The Task is an AIR based application designed by Jash Sayani, for simple purpose of remembering tasks. It is a light-weight application that allows users to view pending tasks with due dates and add, view and complete tasks.
TweetDeck is a personal browser by which you can remain in touch of your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more. It shows everything you want to see and helps you to remain updated and organized.
It is a very simple application to search from desktop. It supports Linux, Mac and Windows.
Colorlovers is an awesome tool to find brilliant color schemes. With this interface, you can download pallets, color schemes and patterns without going to your browser.

CFDocs is extremely simple to use AIR application which is designed to learn AIR. It contains all ColdFusion tags and functions which can be used on your desktop when you are offline.

This application is a simple way to create and organize your desired color palettes. You can edit them, rearrange them, create new sets and save them for use in future.
Em Calculator is a very unproblematic way of creating CSS code for typography set on baseline style. Rather than pixels it calculates the vertical rhythm of your designs in em units, which is a unit of measurement in the field of typography.
Polaris is a desktop reporting client for Google Analytics. If you have 1 website to monitor then it is free otherwise if you want to monitor multiple websites then you can purchase Paid Version which costs $15 / Year.
PixelWindow is much unsophisticated Adobe AIR application used for measuring elements on your monitor screen in pixels.
You must have come across to the situations when you need to take a screen-shot of a website; Websnapshot is capable of doing this job very easily and efficiently. You just enter the URL and press Snap, the thumbnails will be automatically saved to your “save” folder. You can select from three different types of snapshot which are Thumbnail, Browser size or Full Page
25. FEAT

Freelancer’s Estimation Assistance Tool (FEAT) is a tool to help freelancers in calculating hourly rates and project pricing estimates. You can define your expenses like salaries, tax and mention the profit margin that you expect. Then it gives your hourly rate that you must charge.
AIR Icon Generator is a very quick way of making icon or web 2.0 badges. You just need to enter text, choose the icon and color. Then by pressing “Generate Icon” you will get different sizes of the generated icons.
Font Picker is a simple tool to view all the fonts installed on your computer with sample which can be customized. This is an excellent application for quick font selection and management.

SEO Analyzer is built using Adobe AIR and it is a desktop based application build specially for checking page ranking, link and keyword analysis of any website.
This application is capable of performing levels, Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast rotate, crop, resize and many more basic image editing features.
RegExr Desktop is a un-complex desktop based tool for learning, editing and testing regular expressions or RegEX.
colorPicker is Adobe AIR application ascertain the hexadecimal color code from a color grid or sliders. You can use “Copy to Clipboard” button to copy the hexadecimal value of the color and paste it into your HTML code or IDE. It also keeps a list of all recently used colors.
32. iPlotz

iPlotz is used to create clickable, navigable mockups and wireframes, of a website or application. It is a downloadable application, desktop version costs $75.

Using this application you can drag and drop images, re-size them and further drag and drop re-sized images into E-Mail or a folder.

htmlText Editor is a basic WYSIWYG editor for htmlText. You can create htmlText visually hence speeding up the workflow.
.merlin is an AIR based utility; it will extract the actual font name and rename the fonts which are labeled incorrectly.

Ora Time and Expense is a tiny application which has power of tracking and generating timesheets, expense reports and invoices.

AutoBackup utility provide to the flexibility of saving a copy of working file automatically at a user-specified interval inside a folder named FWAIRBackup which will be located in the same location of original file.

By using this application you can interact with different Flex Developers. You can search most valuable source of Flex-related information like t
he Flexcoders mailing lists.

Fractal4D is a free and AIR based line art generator. Very handy tool to create abstract lines.

De MonsterDebugger is a debugger for Adobe Flash, Flex and AIR. The great thing in this application is, it is open source and can be used for free.
41. FNK
Fnk (pronounced fink) is an online visual programming environment that uses a dataflow approach for the analysis, processing and synthesis of image, sound and other data in real-time.

DOOMI has one basic and important function, which is to remember what you have to do next. A very simple To-Do List.
43. BOKS

Boks is a Visual Grid Editor which provides a user interface for blueprint CSS’s framework. It has ability to handle Grid configuration, baseline rhythm, CSS exporting and HTML layouts.

SQLite Sorcerer can be used to perform basic ADMIN functions for SQLite database. You can create database, open recent database, compare the structures of different databases and check the results of SQL.

Demandbase Stream is an effective website traffic tracking tool which enables you to see which businesses are visiting your website in real-time. You can filter data and set up a watch list or examine the keywords being searched and the pages which are currently being viewed.
46. GMDesk

GMDesk enables you to run Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Map without opening any web browser. It is an AIR based stand-alone application which offers convenient access to most Google Services.

 47.  BlackBookSafe Adobe AIR Application :

BlackBookSafe is an HTML/JavaScript contact list sample application built on Adobe AIR 1.5. The application uses the JQuery framework and the AS3CoreLib library, and come with three new AIR 1.5 features: Pixel Bender effects, 3D transformations, and the encrypted local database.

48. AlertThingy :

AlertThingy - Your social deskop!
AlertThingy v3 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more.

Have you ever wished you could run a special application for gmail, and use the browser only for browsing? GeeMail is your wish fulfilled; and it does even more. GeeMail has everything in place which is required to access your gmail. You don’t need to configure POP and IMAP settings like traditional email clients.

Official Facebook Adobe AIR app

AIRTube Video Downloader allows you to download YouTube FLV videos by simply dragging or pasting in the video’s URL. After the video downloads the application will expand and show you a preview of the video.

If you have experience of using Adobe AIR then mention the applications you use in comments and suggest us the applications which are missing in this list.


EricLewis said...

Developers Improve your project using Adobe tools for significantly result.

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