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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Digital Painting Tutorial

What it covers
Basic principles about coloring and shading skin and clothes
Basic masking technique
Basic layer management
A few tips and thoughts

What it does NOT cover
Painting hair (this will come later)
Advanced techniques about stuff (you guys have to experiment and try things out by yourself )

 This said, I hope you will find it easy to understand, and easy to follow.
You don't need to be an advanced user to use it. The only tools you will use in there are the brush tool, the zoom tool, and the eyedropper (maybe). No fancy brush, no fancy filters, no fancy thing that no one understand.

This tutorial was made on and for photoshop CS3.
BUT! It will will work just as fine on older versions (I'm not sure about before 6.0, I haven't used those in a long time), and could probably be even adapted to other softwares such as Gimp or PainterPro or whatever there is out there.


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