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Monday, February 14, 2011

Top 6 Search Engines For Designers To Find Icons

For a stunning graphical user interface designers always need sharp and crisp icons. But sometimes there is not much time for designers to create them from scratch, then where to find them?. Yes! there are lots of search engines to find best icons.
Here i have listed the top 6 search engines which can be really helpful for you in your icon hunt.

1. IconFinder
Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient way.
IconFinder - Icon Search Engine
2. IconLet
Iconlet is simple search engine for free icons, images.
IconLet - Icon Search Engine
3. IconLook is a place where to find your icons.
IconLook - Icon Search Engine
4. VeryIcon
The is a icon search engine, it contents over 20000 high quaility web icons in more than 1000 icon packs.
VeryIcon - Icon Search Engine
5. IconSeeker
The is the best icon search engine on web, it contents about 50,000+ high quaility icons and each icon has PNG, ICO and ICNS formats for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems.
IconSeeker - Icon Search Engine
6. Icons-Search
The Icons-Search is an Icon Search Engine that helps you to find quality icons available on the Internet.
IconsSearch - Icon Search Engine


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